Here is our most recent newsletter

The Tishrei Bible School and the School of Biblical Family Life

A New Beginning at The Cedars

A new Bible School is being opened at The Cedars. It will be at the foundation of the ministry, seeking to strengthen families in their pursuit of biblically founded education. This meets a need perceived by many local Christian leaders to establish a Bible School in Medway, as well as meeting a major contemporary challenge to strengthen family life. The ministry of Tishrei Bible School has been established in a number of countries in recent years and now finds its home in Kent.


We are privileged to have available four dedicated buildings set within beautiful grounds. The facilities are as follows:

The Study Centre: equipped with dedicated classrooms and excellent library facilities full of hand-picked books to aid our study of the Bible, along with a dining room and kitchen.

The Meeting Room: accommodating around 60 people for study, prayer, discussion and fellowship.

The Coach House: facilitates smaller meetings, especially for prayer, with a room set apart to focus on the role of Israel in the Covenant purposes of God.

A Creation Room: a building set apart where resources are gathered to encourage the exploration of God’s wider creation.

The Grounds: available for relaxation and refreshment, for study, prayer and fellowship.

The roof of the Study Centre has had extensive repairs and there are new windows, heating system, lighting and fire alarm system. Substantial tree surgery has made space for many new ornamental trees and shrubs. These are just a few of the things that make the property ready for the works of service ahead.

The Tishrei Bible School

The word Tishrei means New Beginning. The purpose of the Tishrei Bible School is to encourage a deepening personal walk with God, resulting in a strong family based focus for the believing community. The emphasis is to build a clear understanding of the foundations of the Christian faith from the time of the first Apostles, knowing the Lord Jesus within His cultural background. Studies focus on a Hebraic worldview rather than one founded on Greek philosophical approaches to theology. We consider God’s Covenant purposes and inheritance in the light of the relationship between the Christian Church and Israel. Resources are wide ranging, enablingan overview of Christian history and traditions. There is a prophetic element in the Bible School, relating to both fulfilled and unfulfilled prophecy.

Several thousands of books are available in our libraries. The reference library is available for use in the Study Room. There is also a library for short term loan of books, and an additional library for families. Specialist books, artifacts and audio-visual resources are available for study on site in the Israel Room and the Creation Room.

A website is under construction and will soon be available with a further range of resources: (notification will be given when the site is open).


The programme planned for 2023/24 will include:

Small group Bible Studies

Bible School Courses for individuals and groups

Use of the library resources

Family based activities

Retreat meetings for fellowship, study, discussion and prayer

Conferences on Biblical and contemporary themes

For further information, please contact us at . Involvement with the ministry brings benefit from a wide range of opportunities for study and prayer. You will also find appropriate ways, both practical and spiritual, to contribute your skills and talents to the ongoing work, and be part of what God is doing at The Cedars.

Dr Clifford and Mrs Sally Denton

Ministry Leaders

After a career as an RAF pilot, Clifford studied mathematics at Kings College Cambridge and taught at Banbury School as head of computer studies. Following this were seven years of full time research at the University of Oxford as a research officer for the Department of Education and Science, relating to the education of gifted children. From the mid-1980s, full-time Christian work, often in cooperation with other ministries, took him overseas, first in Islamic countries, then later researching the challenge of the new age movement. His response was to seek a deeper understanding of biblical truth. The ministry of Tishrei was the result of this, which has had fruit in study centres and schools around the world. Clifford was ordained by the Restoration Fellowship International in Cleveland, Tennesee, on whose board he serves as an advisor. Through extensive personal search, including travelling overseas, Sally has focussed on seeking God’s ways in education, spending much of her life working this out through teaching at The Cedars School. From different paths of walking with God, Clifford and Sally have come to the same understanding of God’s priorities in education, particularly in relation to the importance of building strong families.

The Cedars Foundation is a registered Charitable Trust, number 307860.