Category: Family Restoration Magazine
88. “Who is Causing this Shadow?”
Dr Karl Coke Jesus said to the Jews, “For the very work that the Father has given me to finish, and which I am doing, testifies that the Father has sent me. And the Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me. You have never heard his voice nor seen his form, nor does […]
87. Times of Refreshing Ahead?
John Quinlan, Clifford Denton and Dave Hilsley Much has been said in recent years about “Revival”. This is what we call the wonderful times of blessing that come when the Holy Spirit of God comes to individuals, possibly in great numbers over a short time such as in the Wesleyan Revival or the Welsh Revivals. […]
86. Restoration
Clifford Denton and Dave Hilsley The word “Restoration” is used a lot in the Church today. God is indeed a restorer. He is a restorer of fellowship with Him. He is a restorer of family. He is a restorer of community. He is a restorer to His covenant people Israel. If we are in fellowship […]
85. The Bridegroom is Coming! Report on a consultation held in Jerusalem in June 2002
Clifford Denton and Dave Hilsley The Lord of Creation has given us many views by many of His prophets concerning the times leading up to His return. Some of them appear to be more clear and complete in their descriptions than others, yet the Word of G-d saw fit to include them all for our […]
84. “Jesus’ Method of Bible Study”
Dr Karl Coke Jesus is the “Aleph” and the “Tau,” the “Beginning” and the “End.” He is the “First” and the “Last.”1 Therefore, He is the first and the last portions of this article. In the end, He alone is all that matters. “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. […]
83. Israel’s Future
Dave Hilsley Over the years many people have said that God has finished with Israel. Even though the Jewish people are back in the land, they call this a political accident and say that it does not mean that God has a future plan for Israel any more than He does for any other nation. […]
82. Israel
Clifford Denton Background and central principles If we are to have understanding of the days in which we live then there are a number of central issues to keep in mind. Indeed, though mankind in general chooses to ignore these issues, they should be central for every generation. In our present world we are on […]
81. Focus on Israel
Clifford Denton and Dave Hilsley We must remember the answer to Joshua’s question when he crossed over Jordan into the Promised Land. He had Jericho before him, and also all the other struggles to take the Land of Canaan as an inheritance for his people. He asked the Man who appeared before him (Joshua 5:13-18) […]
80. An introduction to a Bible Reading Scheme
Clifford Denton When Jesus was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah in the synagogue at Nazareth (Luke 4:16), He was expected to read from the set portion of Scripture for that particular Sabbath. It was the tradition that set portions from the Torah and the Prophets were read each week. There were two possible […]
70. A Biblical Pattern for Relationships
Doug Wheeler A great deal has been written about the role of the man as husband and father. One has but to go to any local bookstore and peruse through the shelves to find numerous titles dedicated to the subject. If one is a strong proponent of the wife being in submission to her husband, […]