Category: No. 1
18. Law and Grace
Clifford Denton Do We Ask The Right Question? The law of Moses is often set against the grace of God as if they are in opposition. It is true that we can read the New Testament as if this were so. For example, John writes, “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth […]
16. Feasts and Fellowship
Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum This study is on the Feasts of Israel, or perhaps more specific, the prophetic significance of the Feasts of Israel as they are contained in Leviticus 23 where Moses spelled out the seven holy seasons of Israel. At the same time these seven feasts or holy seasons of Israel are an outline […]
15. The Sabbath (Which Means “Rest”)
Christopher Barder This is a most wonderful feast of the Lord. Keeping it is a Divine commandment. We know that it echoes God’s own behaviour, for He rested on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2) Himself. It looks forward to the great millennial reign of Jesus and it therefore speaks of the end of the six […]
14. Restoration of the Feasts of the Lord
Clifford Denton Imagine the whole world living in submission to God, abiding in the saving grace of Yeshua Hamashiach by the power of the Holy Spirit. Suppose that the Church had not distanced itself from its Jewish roots. From among the appointed Feasts of the Lord, consider, for example, what the Sabbath Day would be […]