Category: No. 2
34. That They May be Saved
Clifford Denton, Tony Pearce, Christopher Barder, & Moshe Elijah Introduction Clifford Denton “Brethren, my hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.” (Romans 10:1-2) In this edition of Tishrei, we have encouraged […]
33. Shekinah
Tom Hamilton I looked for the word high and low in the Old Testament, but could find it nowhere. It was only when I turned to other Jewish writings that I found The word mentioned. The word shekinah means “abiding”. The fact that, down throughout the ages, the Jews have given it a special name, […]
32. Yeshua and Limits of Rabbinic Authority
Arye Powlison There are several areas of rabbinic teaching which Yeshua rejected out of hand as unacceptable. Usually, the reason was that they contradicted fundamental logic based on The Scriptures, or even that they contradicted The Scriptures directly. However neither Yeshua nor His disciples rejected rabbinic teaching with the argument that the rabbis lacked the […]
31. Atonement According to Moses and the Traditional Writings
Louis Goldberg The concern far atonement with God was of primary importance to Jewish people in the Second Temple period while the Talmud was being completed.1 For the Jewish person who recognized he had a revelation from God, no place existed for speculation. The people in this society sought most earnestly God’s forgiveness for sin. G.E. […]
30. Rabbinic Literature: A Spiritual Treasure
David Bivin The sages were the creators of the Oral Torah. This literature, still unwritten in Jesus’ day is of great value in understanding Jesus sayings. It is also a rich treasure of spiritual wisdom. As used in Jerusalem Perspective, “rabbinic literature” refers to the various collections of Oral Torah. As the name implies, the […]
29. The Rabbis and I
Richard Peterson No-one, prior to my arrival in lsrael ever suggested that rabbinic literature might make good devotional reading. It came as a pleasant surprise, as I began to read through my second-hand English-Hebrew prayer book1 during Sabbath morning services at the local synagogue. I would come away feeling as I have occasionally felt on leaving […]
28. The Positive Value of Rabbinic Literature
David Friedman With the Jewish reclamation of the person of Jesus, and with a move in the church to understand its Jewish roots, a question lingers in the mind of many believers. It is, “Is the study of Rabbinic literature of any value to the church?” As an Israeli Messianic rabbi, I can offer some […]
27. Rabbinic Literature as a Background to Scripture (Editorial)
Clifford Denton Prior to the launch of Tishrei, I had been stirred to respond to the growing deception of the age and to certain aspects of the mission challenge to the church. In my view, there was a need for scholarly apologetics to develop among Christian leaders and for such scholarship to have consequences for […]