Category: Volume 4

  • 68. Son of Man/Son of God, Editorial

    Clifford Denton It has not been easy to put this edition together. I resolved to do something, when the issue of the doctrine of the Trinity was questioned by friends who are keen to rediscover the Biblical origins of our Faith. However, it is not easy to unpack the whole subject safely, and I do […]

  • 67. The Battle with Humanism: Greek Philosophy versus Hebrew Faith

    Clifford Denton The conflict between the Kingdoms of this world and the Kingdom of Heaven has been compared with Charles Dickens’ “Tale of Two Cities”. In our case, however, the two cities are Athens and Jerusalem, or, possibly, Rome and Jerusalem. Greece and Rome are linked together because of the way the Empires of the […]

  • 66. Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh – What does it Mean to say that God is Holy?

    Dwight A Pryor An edited transcript of a message delivered to the Narkis Street Baptist Church in Jerusalem, on Saturday November 12th 1994. Transcribed by CFI Communications, UK. Let us stand and pray: “Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, who spoke and the worlds came to be. Blessed are you Father, for by your […]

  • 65. Quo Vadis

    Merla Watson “Quo Vadis?” is Latin for, “Where are you going?” Merla Watson is a professional musician who is concerned to lead the Body of Messiah into true worship. Here we include three poems from a booklet of poems which highlight the influences on worship in the contemporary Church. They are reprinted with the permission […]

  • 64. Where are You? A Jerusalem Artist Speaks out About the Power of Art

    Elhanan ben-Avraham “Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness the peoples, but the Lord will rise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.” (Isaiah 60:1-2). In the above passage from the prophet […]

  • 63. Humanism: A Parable

    Hilary Le Cornu Humanism is commonly regarded in evangelical Christian circles as a source of many of the evils of modern society. Humanism is considered to foster, embody, and generate a large number of the forces of secularism against which it is the duty of the good Christian to fight. Although the social characteristics through […]

  • 62. Secular Humanism

    Olga Marshall Our world is being swamped and sunk by a religion-gone mad: Humanism. Humanism is the religion of humanity, a supreme faith in our own ability to both rearrange the world of Nature and engineer our own future in any way we see fit… but in fact, the humanist premises are irreparably faulty, and […]

  • 61. “Humanism”, Western Culture and Modern Judaism

    Christopher Barder The broad title adopted here is the product principally of the widespread and pervasive nature of Greek and Roman cultural forms and patterns of thinking. The reason primarily far the dominance of these is that they seemed to represent the very best that mankind could achieve. The finest expressions of the creativity of […]

  • 12. The Battle with Humanism: Greek Philosophy versus Hebrew Faith

    Clifford Denton The conflict between the Kingdoms of this world and the Kingdom of Heaven has been compared with Charles Dickens study of conflicts in “A Tale of Two Cities”. In our case, however, the two cities are Athens and Jerusalem, or, possibly, Rome and Jerusalem. Greece and Rome are linked together because of the […]