Greetings from Jerusalem,
From Netivyah
Early this morning, war broke out in Israel. Armed Hamas terrorists managed to breach Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip and infiltrate several surrounding towns. Additionally, more than 3000 rockets have been fired into Israel from Gaza since about 6:00 this morning, including to Jerusalem and the Center of Israel. Many rockets have directly hit homes, and as far as we know the armed terrorists have also succeeded to murder several civilians and soldiers, as well as kidnap some and take back to Gaza.

According to recent reports, at least 40 people have been killed and another 800 injured have flooded the hospitals in the South. There is also an unverified number of people that have been kidnapped and taken into the Gaza Strip, as well as multiple hostage situations within Israel’s infiltrated southern towns.

(Photo credits: Mako News)
We at Netiviyah are preparing for every effort to help our fellow Israeli civilians and soldiers on the frontlines. We’ve begun preparations to bring whatever aid we can to the areas needing it most. We also will be opening our Houses for Healing apartments in Jerusalem to receive families from the South.

(Photo credits: Mako News)
Additionally, we plan to send help in whatever way we can to strengthen and uplift our soldiers who are currently entering the fight.

(Photo credits: Mako News)
It’s important in times like these that those of us who can help would give a hand for the peace of Israel. Israel hasn’t seen days quite like these for many, many years, so we mustn’t be apathetic to the situation.

(Photo credits: Mako News)
Dear brothers and sisters, now is the time! Let us come together in prayer especially for each and every person who is dealing up close with this horrible situation.
We invite each and every person who is ready and able to give to please do so, for the purpose of providing necessary aid to those suffering from the war that Israel is experiencing right now! We also encourage you to share with others you know for whom Israel is close to their hearts, who may wish to take part as well in supporting our soldiers and civilians on the frontlines.
To support here now:
Contact: Israel is at War | Netivyah