Category: Uncategorized

  • From Netivyah, Jerusalem.

    By Joseph Shulam.  This Shabbat in the Jewish Synagogues around the world will read from a portion of the Torah called “BO!” “BO” translates to English as “COME.” Within the parashah, the context means “Come to Pharaoh!” The question arises: why “come to Pharaoh?” The phrase would make more sense in English as “Go to […]

  • From Netivyah, Jerusalem, Torah Portion Vaera.

    By Joseph Shulam.  The Torah readings from the book of Exodus connect the story of the children of Israel’s exit from slavery to freedom and from a passive docile community of enslaved people to a victorious army taking the land of their inheritance, Canaan.   Our Torah portion of this Shabbat is called Vaera, and the reading is […]

  • From Netivjah, Jerusalem.

    By Joseph Shulam. 22nd November 2024. The Torah reading on this Shabbat is called Chaiey Sarah, which means “The Life of Sarah.” Although the story of Abraham is coming to an end, Abraham is brilliant in every way in his old age, even if God essentially ignores him after the intended sacrifice of Isaac.  We […]

  • Archbishop’s injury.

    Touching the apple of God’s eye is a risk not worth taking. by Charles Gardner. Church leaders everywhere, as well as national heads of state, should learn the lesson from the ignominious downfall of Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. For he touched the apple of God’s eye and has severely injured, not only himself, but […]

  • Snake bites back!

    Dutch pogrom unleashed at place of prayer and praise. by Charles Gardner. The shocking violence against Israeli football fans in Amsterdam is a sure sign that antisemitism is at its worst level since the Nazis launched their devastating crusade against the Jews in the 1930s. In view of its occurrence in the heart of the […]

  • From Netivjah, Jerusalem.

    By Joseph Shulam. The Torah Portion for this Shabbat is Genesis 12:1-17:27.  The Haftarah is from Isaiah 40:27 – 41:16.   Romans 4:1-25 and Galatians 4:21- 5:1 in the New Testament.   This week’s Torah portion is another vital and programmatic text for God’s scheme of redemption of all humanity. Reading the Torah and the Prophets and from the New Covenant is foundational.  The Torah […]

  • Floods of wrath.

    Are recent weather disasters divinely orchestrated judgment on Israel haters? by Charles Gardner. While crazy weather patterns around the world continue to stoke the carbon-hating fires of climate change activists, others – usually Christians who know their Bible – suggest they are more likely signs of the end times Jesus warned us about. Quite out […]

  • Touching Jewish hearts.

    Israelis moved to consider Jesus and the New Testament thanks to Christian support. by Charles Gardner. JERUSALEM, October 16, 2024 – There is growing evidence that Christian support for Israel in their hour of need is encouraging Jewish people to consider Jesus and the New Testament. As the horror of war on seven fronts has […]

  • Netivyah News, Jerusalem, October 11.

    Yom Kippur: a personal and a national opportunity. By Lydia Bachana. This week marked a year since the October 7-massacre. Israel was covered in a cloud of sadness, emotions, memories, stories, photos, memorial services, alongside the storm of the ongoing war. I took one of our kids to a local memorial service which began by all […]

  • From Netivjah, Jerusalem

    By Joseph Shulam The Hebrew date is the month of Tishri 9. The Hebrew year is now 5785. Friday evening, October 11, starts the Day of Atonement – Yom HaKippurim.    On Sabbath, October 12, the Torah and prophet readings will be the following:  From the Torah, the reading will be from Leviticus 16:1-34 and Numbers 29:7-11.  […]